North COE Contributes To Research On Workforce Implications Of Remote Work
In recent months, the North (Greater Sacramento) Center of Excellence (COE) has contributed support and analysis for several research projects related to the shift toward remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Projects have included a report presented by Valley Vision which conducted an employer survey and convenings to gather insights on remote workforce needs for employers and education and training providers. The report looks at the potential impacts of remote work, obstacles, and the skillsets sought by employers.
The North COE also worked with partners on a regional employer advisory meeting geared toward information and communications technology (ICT) in September.
In conjunction, researcher Jamie Orr has prepared a white paper for the California Community Colleges on “Preparing Students for a Remote Work Future.” The report makes a number of recommendations for community colleges including assessing how existing courses or programs are able to serve the needs of a remote workforce and updating curricula to include remote work practices.
The North COE would like to extend our gratitude toward fellow collaborators Cornelius Brown, ICT/digital media regional director of employer engagement; Valley Vision; and Jamie Orr, principal of Orr Consulting.