New Report On Childcare Industry Workforce Needs
Since the start of the pandemic, San Diego County has lost nearly 2,000 childcare spots due to providers closing their doors. Childcare centers that remained open were confronted with decreased enrollment and difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff.
To gauge the breadth of the need for childcare workers, the San Diego/Imperial Center of Excellence (COE) analyzed labor market data and conducted a survey of 339 childcare providers to examine industry trends and explore solutions for the worker shortage in the region.
The “Childcare Industry Workforce Needs” report released by the COE presents findings from the survey and provides information about labor market demand and postsecondary supply, wages, in-demand skills, and training programs for these occupations.
The COE also hosted a webinar on Sept. 7 that covered findings from the report in addition to impacts of the pandemic and challenges for new business owners.