CVML Releases Analysis of Regional Top Jobs by Sector
In advance of the release of its annual regional labor market overview report, the Central Valley/Mother Lode Center of Excellence (COE) has released a one-page analysis that identifies key aspects, including top middle-skill jobs, associated with the 10 sectors that primarily fuel the regional economy.
For each of the 10 sectors, the analysis highlights top job titles, skills, and certificates associated with those jobs, and sector demographics that may affect equitable access for students entering related careers.
For example, top jobs within the business and entrepreneurship sector, one of the largest sectors in the region in terms of middle-skill job openings, are customer service representatives, receptionists, and bookkeepers.
Based on job postings in the region, certificates highly sought by employers in this sector include real estate, insurance agent, and property and casualty. In-demand skills are customer service, scheduling, and data entry. Analysis of demographics shows working age white women may be overrepresented as they comprise a large share of the workforce in this sector.