CVML COE Presents Report on Top 50 Occupations in Region
In March, the Central Valley/Mother Lode Center of Excellence (COE) presented an analysis of the region’s top 50 middle-skill occupations to the Central/Mother Lode Regional Consortium.
The top five occupations with the most annual job openings in the region are:
- Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers – 5,519 annual job openings
- Registered Nurses – 2,138 annual job openings
- Teaching Assistants (Except Postsecondary) – 2,136 annual job openings
- Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks – 1,782 annual job openings
- Nursing Assistants – 1,507 annual job openings
Although the 50 occupations identified in the report make up 12% of all annual openings, it is important to note that there are 26,000+ annual openings in the region, in an array of other occupations.
In-demand occupations with the highest entry-level earnings and a substantial number of annual job openings include registered nurses, software developers, logisticians, and administrative services managers.
To see the list of the top 50 occupations, click here.