COE Teams Up to Offer Equitable Learning Microcredential
In collaboration with the San Diego/Imperial Regional Consortium, the San Diego/Imperial Center of Excellence (COE) is working to bring more professional development opportunities to the region.
One of the first professional development opportunities to be offered is geared toward community college instructional staff and faculty, and was launched this month.
Through effective teaching, educators can impact student success and equity to increase measures of student achievement and close equity gaps.
The Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning microcredential course covers:
1. Managing the Impact of Biases
2. Reducing Microaggressions in Learning Environments
3. Addressing Imposter Phenomenon and Stereotype Threat
4. Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
5. Designing Equity-Centered Courses
The course will run asynchronously via Zoom for eight weeks starting Monday, February 27, with a three-hour commitment per week.
The event will be hosted by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and the COE.
This professional development opportunity will be available for community college instructional staff and faculty in San Diego and Imperial counties. While registration is no longer open, there will be an additional opportunity to participate in this professional development course later in the year.