COE News

Date Published

Interactive Map Pinpoints K-12 and Community College Programs and Employers in the Inland Empire/Desert Region

Which colleges and high schools have cybersecurity programs? How do we contact small manufacturing employers? 

These are examples of common questions among educational institutions and their stakeholders, as they develop career education programs and identify in-demand and high-wage jobs for their students. 

The Regional Career Education Programs, Pathways & Employer GIS map, co-developed by the Inland Empire/Desert Center of Excellence (IE/D COE) and the Alliance for Education, addresses many of these questions by visually pinpointing community college and high school career education programs and their proximity to businesses. 

This resource provides a current inventory of community college programs and K-12 high school pathways, current labor market data, and access to IE/D COE reports by sector. 

Check out the interactive map here: